Erozul Blog
Smell Proof Travel Tips and Tricks
Are you needing some outdoor tips for keeping spices fresh and dry during your next camping trip? Do you need some medical cannabis tips to keep your stash safe and fresh? Erozul has travel tips and tricks that cover everything from cannabis to your favorite spices. Our blog provides you with helpful guides so you can confidently store herbs and dried goods to prolong freshness while keeping them safe and dry.

Smell Proof Tips
Cannabis and spices like clove or black pepper are known for strong and unique odors. Explore our spice and cannabis tips for solutions designed to contain odors at home or on the go.

Travel Tips
From odor proof bags to UV glass jars, Erozul has unique options to simplify your traveling needs. Learn how you can safeguard your belongings while you explore the world.

Outdoor Tips
From one-day hikes to a weekend in the woods, discover how you can enjoy the great outdoors without fear of your bag tearing on the rocks or your herbs and spices getting wet in the rain.

Exceptional Quality and Versatility
Do you have questions about the best way to travel with cannabis? What about how to transport specialty coffee? Either way, we have plenty of travel tips and tricks for you. Erozul specializes in smell proof storage solutions you can count on. From airtight CVault storage containers to secure bags and backpacks, our products are designed to keep odors inside so a person next to you would never guess what’s inside. Whether you’re packing for your next weekend camping trip or you need to be prepared for your daily commute, Erozul is there to help you safely transport everything from laptops and tablets to coffee and cannabis.